You Have Questions & We Have Answers.

Q. We’re not religious. Will this interfere in any way with our child’s enrollment?
A. No. Most of our students come from a non-observant background. This does not cause any difficulty.
Q. Does the low tuition cost reflect the quality of education my child will receive?
A. No! On the contrary, your child will receive the same quality of exceptional education that is mandated by the New York City Board of Education for public schools, and we are fully recognized.
Yeshiva students often achieve higher grades on Board of Education exams as a result of the rich educational experience and individual attention only a yeshiva can provide. Over 98% of our students attend exceptional high schools of their choice and further their education by attending accredited colleges.
Q. Does a dual program of religious and secular studies really work?
A. Yes. Yeshivas have been doing it for years, with high academic results. Remember, Yeshiva pupils have to flex their minds more than other pupils, because they study a greater variety of subjects. There is a general tendency, therefore, for Yeshiva students to reach high levels of academic and scholastic achievement.
Q. How do you fund the Yeshiva with low tuition costs?
A. Thanks to outside sponsors who subsidize the tuition fee so parents only pay $3,100 per child. Additionally, we have successful alumni who are working hard and continue to show their respect to the Yeshiva.
Q. Are there any additional costs involved besides the given tuition fee?
A. There are no hidden fees. The parent obligation for the school year is $300 for registration and $3,100 for tuition per child.
Q. Will the Yeshiva also prepare my child for his Bar Mitzvah?
A. Yes Bar Mitzvah preparation is part of our curriculum.
Q. How can a child cope with a whole day of kindergarten?
A. Our professional experience has shown that children have no difficulty adjusting, since well-constructed education and recreational activities keep them sufficiently occupied and happy. The program also includes a rest period in which the children nap.
Q. What if my child is unable to adjust Yeshiva?
A. We have been very successful with children adjusting to our school. Our philosophy is that the children are a part of our “family”
Q. Do you require tuition in advance?
A. After an initial deposit, tuition payments may be made on a monthly basis.
Q. My child is scheduled for the 6th grade in September. She/he does not have a Hebrew educational background. Does the Yeshiva have a well-balanced program for her/him?
A. Yes, “well balanced” is the correct description. The Yeshiva is specifically geared to accommodate your child through the bridge program.
Q. Is it true that the Yeshiva will place a child in a particular class even when the child is below the required age set by the Board of Education for that class level.
A. Yes. Our classes are considerably smaller than those in the public schools, and we can therefore, give each child more personal attention. We feel that a child’s abilities are an important criteria for class placement, more so than just chronological age.
Q. My child is not old enough for public school by the cutoff date by a day or week. If I were to enroll my child in the first grade at the Yeshiva, at the end of the year will he/she be permitted to enter the second grade in the public schools?
A. Our Yeshiva is fully recognized, and the successful completion of the first grade is recognized by the public school system.